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Online Thai Cooking Masterclass

267 invites you to a virtual cooking event with the fabulous chef, Doug Crampton. Doug will take us through a fresh Thai dish, giving us some wider cooking tips along the way.

This event is for you and your household to cook along - in fact, the more, the merrier. This is a truly inclusive experience.

You’ll just need to shop for the ingredients - you will get a full list prior to the event (including vegan and vegetarian options) as well as the required utensils and details of any prep work you’ll need to do (these are minimal).

There will also be a special Whatsapp group for those who want to share banter and photos. There will be a prize for the best-looking dish! We look forward to seeing you there!

We are asking for a donation of £20 per household to cover the cost of the event, with a small part of this going to help the charity in this season and beyond.

Earlier Event: January 24
Fuel Online
Later Event: February 28
Fuel Online